Plan: Connecting Vancouver Digitally


We are thrilled to introduce our comprehensive “YES Vancouver Connect” Action Plan, the cornerstone of our campaign to revolutionize communication and civic engagement in our beloved city.

Our plan to address Vancouver’s challenges through improved communication will be the foundation for tackling all of our city’s issues in the coming days.

The current lack of effective communication between citizens, community groups, and local government is one of the most significant challenges in our city’s history. It requires a dramatically new approach to bridge this gap and foster a more connected, responsive Vancouver.

Since our inception, we have been collaborating with a wide range of community leaders, technology experts, civic engagement specialists, and communication professionals to provide us with the insight and expertise needed to chart the path forward.

This plan outlines how YES Vancouver will:

  1. Create and implement “YES Vancouver Connect,” a city-wide digital platform
  2. Empower citizens to actively participate in local decision-making
  3. Streamline information sharing between government and residents
  4. Build thriving, inclusive neighborhoods through enhanced communication

It’s time to say “YES” to doing everything in our power to make this city more connected, responsive, and accessible for everyone.

It’s time to say “YES” to uniting Vancouverites, regardless of their background or circumstances, through open dialogue and shared understanding.

It’s time to say “YES” to a truly open, free, welcoming, and digitally empowered global city.

It’s time to say “YES” to revolutionizing how we communicate and collaborate in Vancouver.

Read our comprehensive “YES Vancouver Connect” Action Plan

Key Features of YES Vancouver Connect:

  1. City-Wide Chat Room: A digital space where residents can discuss city issues, share ideas, and collaborate on solutions in real-time.
  2. Virtual Town Halls: Regular online meetings with city officials to address specific topics or neighborhood concerns.
  3. Service Updates: Immediate notifications about city services, events, and policy changes.
  4. Idea Incubator: A dedicated space for citizens to propose and develop innovative solutions to city challenges.
  5. Neighborhood Focus Groups: Sub-channels dedicated to specific areas of Vancouver, allowing for hyper-local discussions and problem-solving.
  6. Resource Hub: Easy access to information on city services, bylaws, and ongoing initiatives.
  7. Community Calendar: A comprehensive listing of local events, volunteering opportunities, and civic engagement activities.
  8. Feedback Loop: A system for residents to provide direct feedback on city initiatives and see how their input is being considered.

Implementation Strategy:

  1. Development Phase: Partner with local tech companies and UX designers to create an intuitive, accessible platform.
  2. Beta Testing: Conduct extensive testing with a diverse group of Vancouver residents to ensure the platform meets the needs of all communities.
  3. Digital Literacy Program: Offer free workshops and resources to help all residents, regardless of tech-savviness, utilize the platform effectively.
  4. Government Integration: Train city officials and staff on how to use the platform to engage with citizens and incorporate feedback into decision-making processes.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Regularly solicit user feedback and update the platform to ensure it remains effective and relevant.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Increased civic engagement and voter turnout
  2. More responsive and transparent local government
  3. Improved community cohesion and neighborhood-level problem-solving
  4. Faster dissemination of critical information during emergencies or major events
  5. More diverse voices contributing to city planning and policy decisions
  6. Reduced feelings of isolation and disconnection among residents
  7. Improved efficiency in city services through direct citizen feedback

Platform Development:
Our platform is still evolving, and we will be consulting our candidates, party members, and the broader Vancouver community on specifics in the coming weeks.

Our platform will be based on some key principles:

  1. We must treat the lack of effective communication as our top priority, recognizing its impact on all other city issues.
  2. We must ensure equal access to the platform for all residents, regardless of socioeconomic status or technological proficiency.
  3. We do not play the politics of division; instead, we seek to unite Vancouverites through open dialogue.
  4. We need to leverage technology to make government more efficient and responsive.
  5. We need more opportunities for citizens to contribute their ideas and expertise to city planning and decision-making.
  6. We need to take the best ideas from across the political spectrum and from all of Vancouver’s diverse communities.

By implementing YES Vancouver Connect, we aim to create a more engaged, informed, and collaborative city. Together, we can build a Vancouver where every voice is heard, every idea is considered, and every resident feels empowered to shape the future of our beloved city.

Join us in saying “YES” to a more connected Vancouver!